
welcome to
the enlightment
centre, friends

let me be your mindset architect

This a space of continual growth, a space that connects you to mind, body and spirit.
A space that honours all of the aspects that make you who you are.
You will find the catalyst of awakening and suffering within the pages of this site.
As there are many truths that will be confirmed and many truths that will be challenged.
This space promotes union via the understanding of self and other-selves.

my purpose

To introduce to you the concept of spiritual embodiment, which honours and acknowledges the body you inhabit, the mind you experience and the spirit you are. Within these pages, there are many discussions that will bring you to an understanding of how the body, mind and spirit are connected. We will discuss physical and metaphysical concepts and truths that will align you to your higher purpose. The conversions will be based upon western psychology, eastern philosophy, neuroscience of the mind and the workings of quantum mechanics. We invite you to explore the pages of this site as it is an opportunity to create a deeper insight into why you are here.

I Invite You to Consider Adopting the Teachings Gained From others and Allow Yourself to Receive the Essence of the words i can share with you.

the art of
intentional living:
how to create calm
in a world of chaos

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my personal journey

I have experienced a myriad of both miraculous and challenging events in my life, being born in the Philippines and being raised in Australia. I had the opportunity to live two different cultures as a young child however because of my eastern origins I was not accepted readily in a small country town in Australia. These early childhood experiences caused me to question my worth and my connection to others.

I desperately wanted to be accepted by my peers, and so fell prey to the belief that I needed to please others to have value in my community.

This conditioning continued throughout my young adulthood and into my late 30s. I suffered from low self-esteem, anxiety and depression and contemplated suicide at least three times. Ultimately because I believed I couldn’t create connections with others of authentic nature, this created discord and suffering in me. The way that I copped with my own internal conflict was through the medium of creating a cannabis addiction of 15 years of duration. During these phases of my life, I continued to search for my own internal truth of what my purpose was on this planet during this lifetime…


During these phases of my life, I continued to search for my own
internal truth of what my purpose was on this planet during this lifetime. What I was searching for was a secure attachment with self, others and ultimately life. However, this was not possible as I was intoxicated and clouded with cannabis and intoxicated and clouded with pleasing others. I choose to let go of my addictions of cannabis and pleasing others to find a greater aligned and authentic view of self. This was found through many years of researching and experiencing many modalities of thought,
philosophy and experiences. This journey lead me to explore many religions and cults throughout the world. I found myself in the caring space of working with people who were suffering from mental illness and addiction.

I became a registered nurse and achieved a masters in mental health nursing and specialised in drug and alcohol. I thought I had found my calling and in those years I felt fulfilled.

However, there was still something missing.

I continued to learn and research particular psycho-therapies and fell in love with a mindfulness-based therapy called acceptance and commitment therapy.

This western psychological approach aligned with the eastern
philosophies I have also been studying based on Buddhism and Taoism.
Throughout my constant learning journey, I also fell in love with the
neuroscience of the mind which seemed to bring eastern and western
perspectives of health together. However there was still something
missing, my search then revealed the beautiful science of quantum
mechanics which completed the jigsaw puzzle of the nature of reality and
what we truly are, that is consciousness having a human experience.

My life has been a beautiful expression of consciousness having an experience in a physical form, through the dark nights of the soul to the awakening dawns of life.

The knowledge and wisdom that I have gained have propelled me into a state of fulfilment. This is my journey and my experience and I feel compelled to share the learnings that I have gained through my experience on this planet this lifetime. These teachings are available in many forms from many people however this is my unique expression of it.

Read more about me

do you need support in any of these areas?

Learning to respond with your thoughts and emotions and having a greater sense of confidence, control and conviction.

see 1 to 1 coaching

Learning to respond with your thoughts and emotions and having a greater sense of confidence, control and conviction.

see online courses

Learning to respond with your thoughts and emotions and having a greater sense of confidence, control and conviction.

see workshops

Learning to respond with your thoughts and emotions and having a greater sense of confidence, control and conviction.

see 1 to 1 classes

kind words from friends

I signed up to work with Maurice to improve my clinical skills, but what I gained was so much more.

I gained a greater understanding of myself – my fears, my values, and my strengths, with an increased awareness of the arisings that were happening moment-to-moment within me. He was also a resource in line with my own spiritual beliefs which continues to further my expansion, growth, and connectedness to myself, others, and the whole.

Maurice’s ability to integrate the Eastern and Western philosophies whilst drawing in the new philosophies has and will continue to support our understanding of self, demystifying the mind and connecting you with yourself and others. Maurice is here to be of service to others and the greater good. He lives and breathes his teachings from his own personal experience and is therefore an authentic teacher and guide.

While immersing myself in this program, I began to develop an overall sense of ease in my days and the understanding of how I could be grateful for the stress that once brought on my anxieties. ‘Life-changing’ growth can only begin to describe the outcome that Maurice has helped me to achieve through the Art of Intentional Living program.

I have always struggled with the feeling of not knowing or understanding the complexities of the mind. The program has guided me down the path to develop a deeper understanding of self and others and our perception of the experiences that are placed upon our paths. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience such a unique program and mentor. Thank you.

We live our lives through our emotions. This is one of the teachings within the program that I truly resonated with. The good and the so called ‘bad’ emotions we experience, allow us to grow as individuals. By challenging myself and welcoming discomfort I have not only experienced growth personally but within my professional life as well. 

Maurice is an incredible teacher and mentor. He lives his life as he teaches – from his heart and I believe this is what makes him so very special – he touches people and speaks his truth in a way that is so easy to understand. He is genuine and always available. My time under Maurice's wisdom and guidance has been profound. He has empowered me to find my essence, my soul, my passion for who I really am deep down, creating all that is my wonderful life and being able to enJOY the journey as it unfolds. I am so grateful for Maurice being placed upon my path. Thank you Maurice for sharing your magic with me.

What this man taught me has helped me beat a 30-year cycle of addiction. Thanks to Maurice I no longer feel worthless. He is truly an amazing man. I have been drug-free for 3 years and 4 months now and I believe the information that Maurice taught me in the Rehab has help me create a new life.

Maurice teaches and shares wisdom, ways and practical approaches to life improvement. He empowers people and his coaching has been of real benefit to me.

I have just finished the 12-week mindset program with Maurice, and I can honestly say it has been life-changing. His teachings have helped me on so many levels including business, personal and spiritual. Thanks, Maurice for guiding me through this learning experience, I am forever grateful and look forward to working with you into the future. 

Blog Post 2

Blog Post 2

Short excerpt of the blog post - Pudant lani qui ut verum re, quaes illupic itatur aut eos quatem que soluptat ma nis audita nim il int ad eos dolupie nditae. Ut ilisit a bh Short excerpt of the blog post - Pudant lani qui ut verum re, quaes illupic itatur aut eos...

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Blog Post 2

Blog Post 3

Short excerpt of the blog post - Pudant lani qui ut verum re, quaes illupic itatur aut eos quatem que soluptat ma nis audita nim il int ad eos dolupie nditae. Ut ilisit a bh Short excerpt of the blog post - Pudant lani qui ut verum re, quaes illupic itatur aut eos...

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Blog Post 2

Blog Post 1

Short excerpt of the blog post - Pudant lani qui ut verum re, quaes illupic itatur aut eos quatem que soluptat ma nis audita nim il int ad eos dolupie nditae. Ut ilisit a bh Short excerpt of the blog post - Pudant lani qui ut verum re, quaes illupic itatur aut eos...

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